When surf reaches 8ft plus only experienced surfers should paddle out for many many reasons. If you do not fall in to this category we advise to watch from the safety of the beach.
On this page you will find - Wave scale & Understanding the size / Surf Condition Terminology
Wave Scale & Understanding The Size
Wave height is a constantly debated question So we have made the simple graphic to the left to show our readers how we determine this through out the Surfing In Japan Website.
Swell height - is a deep water measurement and very different to the breaking wave height
Wave heights - Assuming you are looking from the beach at a surfer riding a wave and he is crouching at the knees
Surf Condition Terminology
Team Surfing In Japan for years have had like many surfers their own type of Language when it comes to talking about the conditions on any particular day or during a certain session. Below are just some of those.
Remember the day for years to come must be clean and powerful and really well shaped, small is ok but small and barrelling / perfect shape and peeling
(we should be clear and call the session, ie morning, as it is almost never epic all day)
Going off / Cranking / On-Fire
(are the same or so close they should be used interchangeably), amazing session remembered for the year, (again usually only a morning or afternoon)
Rip-able / Slash & Burn / Fun
Waves and a session you ride non stop more waves than you can count, one turn punt, quick down the line slash, bottom turn pull in....
Outta Control / Blowing a Hoolly
To big to go out in with too many waves breaking / Huge surf with strong winds blowing on shore
White Horses
Big surf with strong off shores blowing white spray off the back of the wave
Wind Swell Waves
Weak and junky with normally not so much power to them
Long Period Clean & Small
Longboard Heaven