April 2014
Below is our archive of daily wave report photos from April 2014. March 2014 CLICK HERE
Wednesday 30th April 2014 - Brrrrrr is the go this morning folks, our wonderful weather has gone! for the next few days we are looking at cloudy cold and wet. Wave wise we have lots of swell but it's short period and being driven by some very strong winds,currently East and then going to move round and come from the south and really hard. This will continue through into Thursday as well before clearing up for Friday. The good weather will also return to us and the winds will throw off-shore and we should be left with some nice clean surf-able swell. It will also be the true start of Golden Week Break for most folks and many will be having 4 days holiday until next Wednesday, roads will be very busy as will all major airports etc. It's normally also the first weekend when every beginner and his dog grab their surfboards out dust them of and head into the line up. The out look for those 4 days are great weather smaller waves with variable winds starting from the South then turning and coming from the north then switching again to come from the south. Have a great day whatever you get up to.
Tuesday 29th April 2014 - Morning folks and for many here in Japan today is a national Holiday and a day off & there is very good news for one and all we have pimping swell rolling into the coastline , ESE at about 105 degrees so lots of power and a solid 11 second period we do also have strong south winds as well so you will have to hunt out the breaks that deal with this wind well, Chikura and Taitio again like yesterday are your best bets but expect them to be busy. Ibaraki in places will also be really good. At time of writing our local break of Hebera was on fire with sets breaking well out the back and 100m rides up for grabs for many. Lots of big events going on in Tokyo as well so plenty to be at what ever your fancy is. Weather should remain dry in Tokyo but in many other places expect rain late afternoon. Have a great day and enjoy yourself.
Today we are off to the huge Mexican Event called Cinco De Mayo in Komazawa Park which will be a blast stop in if you can its always a good one.
Monday 28th April 2014 - Well folks what a start to Golden Week that was a stunning weekend for sure some really great waves were on offer out in Chiba and in many other places as well perfect clean small SE swell with perfect sunny sky's and warm temps. Back to today though and those lucky enough to be out and about and on the hunt if your in the water early there is again some clean swell coming in 2-3ft and due to get bigger as well by mid afternoon we could see the size get over 4ft swell is long period around 11 seconds so it has power as well, the bad news is the wind is due to kick in big time from the south so make sure your at a break that can deal with it. Taito and Chikura are the two that spring to mind. Tomorrow will be similar but by night fall tomorrow expect a small amount of rain , then Wednesday will be big rain before everything clears up for a perfect Golden week holiday. The roads will be busy as will the breaks but if you look hard enough you will find some top notch waves on offer. Have a great day whatever you are doing and we will see you in the water soon.
Today we are off to the huge Mexican Event called Cinco De Mayo in Komazawa Park which will be a blast stop in if you can its always a good one.
Friday 25th April 2014 - Good morning to one and all on yet again an amazing day here in Japan the weather is stunning little to no cloud in the sky and super light winds complete glass off in many places early on this morning and at time of writing around 7.30am . Good news is we have a nice little swell in the 1-2ft range and its E/SE which means there is a little power in the wave. This is coming of a huge low well out in the pacific which will just continue to grow and grow and push bigger and bigger swell our way next week around the holiday could be very good if things come together. Everywhere will be fun today as over the weekend winds are good as well all weekend so the numbers should be spread out as surfing will be possible from north to south. In other news a big thanks to Stand up Journal for posting one of our videos on the front page totally stoked with that. Read full story here. Have a great day whatever you are doing and we will see you in the water soon.
Thursday 24th April 2014 - Well folks we are past the mid way stage in the week and the weather is looking fine right through until Sunday the waves will stay pretty similar to today and the wind as well so if your out and about your in for some fun times out on the water for sure. Wave height today is in the knee to waist high range with the occasional bigger freak set around shoulder height winds light and variable. Air temps are getting back into the low 20,s and the water is staring to warm up a lot for most people no boots are needed anymore and some i would guess will even drop down into their 3/2mm wet-suits this weekend depending on how warm it gets during the day. Also don't forget that next week the first holiday in Golden week happens on Tuesday and then the long holiday starts there after. Should be a fun couple of weeks folks. Have a great day whatever you are doing and check out our latest video here.
Wednesday 23rd April 2014 - Good morning to one and all , mixed bag depending on where you are at this morning Tokyo sunny skies and warm , Chiba is still under cloud with a damp start to the day but this should change and by mid morning things will be sunny and arm everywhere. Wave wise things are clean but smaller than yesterday with waves only in the knee to waist high range , winds are still light and variable early on though next to nothing so well worth getting in the water. Not to many folks out by the looks of it. Weekend is looking rally good weather wise as well and there should be some swell on offer as well but more on that later on in the week. Have a great day whatever you are doing and check out our latest video here.
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 - Wow folks today is a cream cracker of a day out there in the water the cold and rain have moved away and left us with perfect sunshine and whats will be a warm day but better than all that we have some swell 2-3ft SSE east swell at 157 degrees which is perfect for many of the breaks in and around the SIJ area. At time of writing even with a really full tide heading in the waves were still well over head in many places, lots of folks in the water as well though. The reefs of Kanagawa were working really well as were the ones in Chiba. It will get smaller as the days goes on so f you are trying to get the big stuff get out there now. Winds are light and variable today but almost nothing at time of writing. All in all then a 4star surfing day out there folks i hope your able to get out and get some. If you do post some pictures to our Face Book Feed please. Have a great day whatever you are doing and check out our latestvideo here.
Monday 21st April 2014 - Back to the weekly grind for many folks out there today but due to the turn in the weather im sure many will not mind, we have rain and the cold is back here in Tokyo and at many breaks up and down the coast, the wind has gone full circle and is now mainly coming outta the south. Wave wise today things are again funky and bumpy folks with most places looking at junk surf apart from Kanagawa but there have little to no swell on offer. The weekend just gone was Easter the sign of spring and outdoor life to start for many country's , well here in Japan we have Golden Week which is kinda similar and that starts next Tuesday 29th so even our feeling here is that the weather will be a bit bad this week and warm up a lot from next week lets hope so serious waves come with it. Have a great day whatever you are doing and check out our latest video here.
Friday 18th April 2014 - Morning to one and all, wave wise today and into the weekend it looks like we have a mixed bag of wave and weather coming down on us, The rain has already began falling and it looks like it will do that on and off all weekend , we also have a fast growing NE low kicking in which will bring wind and short period swell to us , winds are going to be a mix of NE and E ranging from moderate to very strong so the whole issue here is going to be finding somewhere where this swell and wind direction work well together and in Chiba case that's not to many so no help on this one. The body boarders will be out in force because some breaks turn on in this so a great opportunity to grab some deep barrel images. Massive tides this weekend as well so pick your time well when to get in the water. Weather will pick up again early next week. Have fun and enjoy your day what ever your doing.
Thursday 17th April 2014 - Well folks the winds have started to switch again and that nice little E swell we have had for the past few days has been shredded looks like as we move into the weekend as well things are going to be a little bit unsettled as well with some strong northern fronts starting to develop and bring with them strong wind and strong rain. But back to today super high tides early on and the lack of swell this morning are making it hard to find a clean wave but the best waves look like they are up north in Ioka and Ibaraki size around waist to shoulder high a little bit funky but with not to many out the sessions you have should be fun. Golden week kicks of with the first national Holiday on the Tuesday 29th plans being laid now as to what to do and where to go.
Wednesday 16th April 2014 - Morning to one and all & we have yet another fantastic day out here surf wise more of the E /ESE swell coming into the breaks today , Kanagawa, Chiba, Izu all getting waves and its a full moon as well which means we have some huge tides going on but they are during the day which means there is some good mid to low tide surfing opportunity's to be had. At time of writing 7.00am things were still a bit full but wave size out in Chiba was waist with the occasional chest high set ,little to no wind and sunny sky's what more could you ask for? Well worth getting out there if you can and enjoying yourself, we have also noticed the water temps are finally starting to go up and it will not be long until we put those 5/3mm aways and head into our 3/2mm suit season im sure that will make a lot of people very happy indeed. Any way enjoy your day and enjoy the STOKE. we will see you tomorrow.
Tuesday 15th April 2014 - Ok folks this morning we have what can only be called a surprise some good quality waves are on offer folks almost everywhere we have a small 2-3ft E ESE swell rolling in and its got a bit of punch to it. At time of writing Chiba was looking the most fun with head high sets and lots of waves and very few people out then down in Kanagawa it is Long board heaven with little to no wind and smooth oceans and just classic long lines breaking over a mid tide. The tides are looking good again today with a nice low and then the high not back until mid afternoon. Light variable winds and perfect blue sky, Its Surfing Japan Heaven. Get out there and get some if you can you will not be disappointed. Nice. We have had fun making videos over the past few weeks and years here is a link to our on line channel where they are listed in order for easy watching. Enjoy we did.
Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.
Monday 14th April 2014 - Well it's back to the office for most folks yet again but for some that are still out there hunting what does Japan have on offer for you today, well firstly things weather wise have taken a turn for the worse and we have some rain today and the temps have dropped a couple of degrees as well surf is also a real mixed bag today with variable switching winds in most parts at time of writing most breaks in Chiba were on shore meaning fat funky conditions best bet is hang around until mid morning when the tides will drop and try and find a sheltered little spot to get in. Wave wise in the week ahead things are looking rather small with not to much swell forecast , fingers crossed this may change. Week after next will see Golden week start to get under way where the crowds will start to head towards the breaks and our quiet little winter surf break will become even busier with beginners. Urgh. We have had fun making videos over the past few weeks and years here is a link to our on line channel where they are listed in order for easy watching. Enjoy we did.
Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.
Friday 11th April 2014 - Morning to one and all on yet another glorious day here in Japan it is a little cooler today though as yesterday highs got into the mid 20's the rest of the weekend is looking similar with highs in the low 20's and blue sky. Surf wise today also will be similar to the weekend surf will be in the 1-3ft range depending on tide and wind conditions. Chiba should be light variable winds mainly off shore and the best bet by far. If you have the time and energy up north should be good as well but you will have to go deep Ibaraki for that water will still be very cold and please remember to respect the locals who lost a lot in the 2011 earth quake. We have Golden week fast approaching now which is really the start of the open beach season in Japan and when traditionally camping etc go nuts. Lots to be at let us know what your surf plans are if you have any. In other News we made a little video intro to our up and coming film this year in 2014 check it out here. Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Thursday 10th April 2014 - Well folks we have one more stunner of a day out there today and it's going to stay like this right through and into the weekend as well which is great news we are almost into the low 20's most days right now. Wave wise things are in the small but still fun size and that's going to remain the same as well right through the weekend as well. We have a big low up north bu it will push most the the swell west ward away from Japan not towards it. But we should see the odd line or two come off it. Winds today again are light and variable but not enough today to mess up the surf really so look to be out on the lower tides and at the shallow breaks and you should score a fun wave or two. Going t be a great weekend for fishing , Kayaking, Sailing or Suping but not so good for hard core surfers looking for barreling waves to get shacked. Hope to see ya all out there. In other News we made a little video intro to our up and coming film this year in 2014 check it out here. Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Wednesday 9th April 2014 - Mid week Madness NOT unfortunately for all those surf shops that take their holidays this time of the week. Things are a real mixed bag with little to no swell today and variable winds a lot of breaks have wind swell but nothing really surf able even those regular little hidden spots are struggling to hold a descent wave and those with clean off shore winds are fat in the tide. Best place by far from a look at the cams and charts is Kamogawa but how long it will stay clean for is anyone's guess. Things are looking much better as we head into the weekend though& there will be swell around for it 100% so keep those boards waxed up and ready to go. In other News we made a little video intro to our up and coming film this year in 2014 check it out here.Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Tuesday 8th April 2014 - One more super Blue Sky morning out there today folks things really feel like they are about to warm up a lot. Wave wise we have some nice S/SW swell coming in that means that the breaks of Kanagawa , Kamogawa and the bottom of Chiba are getting it where as north of Hebera is still kinda small. Ibaraki is very small but with little to no wind it is super clean. A look of the webcams today is showing the best spot to be the very bottom of Chiba. Later on in the week and into the weekend we should see a low develop in the Japan Sea and race across the country and into the Pacific around the Ibaraki and up area sending us some nice clean NE swell but more on that later. Great day to be outside have fun and enjoy if you can. In other News we made a little video intro to our up and coming film this year in 2014 check it out here. Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Monday 7th April 2014 - Wow folks is all i can say this fine blue sky Monday morning, what a weekend of surf we just had, Saturday was pumping perfect east swell coming in with light off shore winds and then Sunday was a little smaller but with some real quality on offer for those out and about. In a nut shell we surfed all day long both day with only feed breaks in between it was that good. Today though for those out and about hunting we still have some swell more from the south though but perfect clear skys and light winds yet again , top half of Chiba is looking really good with some nice 3-4ft conditions A-frame style beach breaks with not to many folks out and about so scoring a peak on your own will be easy, in other News we made a little video intro to our up and coming film this year in 2014 check it out here. Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Friday 4th April 2014 - Right then folks the rain and the front of the storm passed through Tokyo last night and at times it was really heavy , but the good news is as predicted the bottom of Izu already has blue sky and that should be heading our way by lunch time today. Other part north of Tokyo are due for a second hammering of rain later in the day so keep those brolly's at hand. Wave wise then like we said yesterday mixed bag today some clean spots like Kanagawa but Chiba wild and woolly . Tomorrow this will all change though and early on in the morning we should be up for near perfect conditions everywhere in Chiba with light of shore winds to start the day and blue sky. Winds will pick up from the south as the day goes on but then Sunday morning should start the same so all in all a great weekend of surf lined up. Get out there and enjoy it if you can..Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Thursday 3rd April 2014 - Good morning to one and all well surf wise folks its the front side of yet another storm today we have coming up from the south this one is pretty big and going to move pretty slow to so we should be in for some reasonably long period swell only problem is for the next 2 days winds will pretty much be from the east and gaining in strength. So if your out and about you are going to have to pick your spot depepnding on what the wind is doing, but then come saturday morning things will change a lot and the winds throw off shore and we should be in for some super fun conditions with nice swell left over from the storm. Get out there and enjoy it if you can.Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Wednesday 2nd April 2014 - Well is it official or was it an April Fools Mr Kelly Slater himself finally splits from Quicksilver after all these years?? Is the start of the end for the biggest man in Surfing? Only the coming days will tell us. Back to the surf here then things as we said yesterday and going to be up and down this week as we prepair for a large low to spin up the coast ready for this weekend. Today a bit windy yet again so you will have to pick your spot well to score. Ibaraki is looking the best with off shore winds and a small amount of swell. Weather should be fine today but by Friday we expect some rain and then clearing up again into the weekend. Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.
Tuesday April 1st 2014 - Good morning to one and all and APRIL FOOLS DAY no pranks here this morning, wish we had enough time. Things are a lot smaller than the Epic conditions we had yesterday Kanagawa had an amazing day of surf with all breaks working well. The storm that left us with the swell has moved North we are now looking at 3 days of light to moderate east winds here in Chiba with small swell which means it's going to be lumpy and bumpy but then things on Friday look to change with a nice solid east swell from an east low rolling in and the winds starting tho throw off-shore setting us up for a great weekend. Cherry blossom party's are in full swing this week as well with the tress in Tokyo looking amazing. We will try and get some photos up on Face Book soon. Have a great day and make sure you check out our Face Book page CLICK HERE for some amazing photos from our photographer friends.Enjoy Your Day.