WEST COAST - ウエストコースト (勿来)
KAMIOKA - かみおか
Fukushima Information
This area has been devastated by the March 11 Earth quake, the Tusnamis and by the problems at the Nuclear power plant. Please don't try and get into this area until further notice, it is a disaster zone.
Follow the costal road (route 6) from the bottom to the top of Fukushima - approximately 140km and 22 named breaks with countless others in between.
On a google map the coast faces the East so winds are offshore SW ~ NW, however there are any number of small bays and different breaks where the winds will swing from Norm and give offshore conditions in South and North winds.
Famous for clean water and uncrowded breaks Fukushima is a great road trip for Tokyo surfers. Bit far and expensive to do on your own so grab some mates and go explore. the high way finishes half way up so on the weekends you can effectively make the trip for ¥1,000 once you are on the Joban.
There are a huge number of river mouth and reef breaks which add substance and variety to the beach breaks - really something for every one.
Autumn is probably the best time to be exploring, the water is still relatively warm and the swells from the north are coming through.
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Surfing In Japan was established in 1996 and is based in Tokyo Japan.
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