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Local Information & Recommendations Photo Map
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(All photos are Located using GPS coordinates for pin point accuracy)
Daily Photos
Pick your peak, Akahama can produce some powerful beach break waves and A- frames with long left and right walls
According to older locals, before the Tetrapods were installed it was a great beach with consistently good waves.
Now 90% of the beach is lined with Tetrapods so it is steep and hence tide dependent - High tide (120cm +) has too much water and the waves break right on the sand, Low tide and the sand bars start funneling the swell into peaks.
The first few big typhoon swells will clear much of this built up sand from in front of the road and out into the line up.
Facing directly East it picks up swell from the NE to the SSE and is offshore NW to WSW
General Break Information
An elevated road runs for 1km right along the beach - protected by the ubiquitous Tertrapods - it's 5 meters above the sand and 4 meters above the farmers onion fields the other side. Great parking to watch the surf from beside your car.
Warning; once on the top road it requires an 8 point turn or reversing the length of the road to get off again.
South of the road - the beach is much flatter so there is more chance of rideable waves on the high tide - worth the walk and check.
Also down this end there is a stream, running onto the beach and it can bend into the ocean in front of the road or wind its way behind the dunes to the south. July 2010, it is running into the ocean about 250m to the south.
Short story: Saturday June 12 2010, new moon and big tides, 2 ~ 2.5m clean East swell at 12 second period. Sitting in Tokyo this looked like the perfect swell and conditions for an Ibaraki push. Made the drive and most of the coast was closed out, paddled out at Hitachi reef and scored solid double overhead and some of the bigger sets were coming in at 3 x overhead. Talked to friends and Akabama beach was not only holding the swells it was firing off left and right hand barrels, those who made it out were calling it the best conditions for 3 years.
Unless the swell has some size and power high tide will often not produce rideable waves. (Example July 2010 - 1.5m swell at 9 sec period. At 120cm high tide it did not have waves, however at Low tide the waves were overhead.
Winter is cold - boots, hood, gloves
Summer is cool in the water, Board shorts possible for a few weeks in August
Localism: generally uncrowded and friendly
Parking free, BBQ's ok, closest convenience store is 15 minute walk
Access: Joban Highway, Takahagi exit 6km,
Round trip from Tokyo 375km, (2 hrs in the morning, 2.5hrs return afternoon) Toll Charges (Saturday) ¥3,800, Gas ¥ 6,200
Click on the Videos below to visit our YOU TUBE Channel where we keep all our HD videos.We hope you enjoy them.
Best Tide: Low tide incoming
Best Swell Direction: SE - NE
Best Size: Chest to Double Overhead
Best Wind: West
Perfect-O-Meter: 6 (1= 1 ft wind slop; 10 = G-Land)
Bottom: Sand
Access: 5km from Takahagi Exit on the Joban
Crowd Factor: 3 (1 = Pipeline in Summer; 10 = Tokyo Station)
Local Vibe: 3
Water Quality: 3 (1=clean; 10=turds in the lineup)
Food: Nothing near by so need to bring it with you or get in your car and drive.
Extra Video,maps,links & information see below.
If you know or have any video of this break please pass it on to us we will be happy to show it on www.surfinginjapan.com ,email us direct at admin@surfinginjapan.com
October 10th 2010
A great morning session with solid A-frame waves and very little wind.
Break Map
Just click on the point you are interested in to view that individual breaks in's and out's from a real surfers prospective.
If you have any further information that may make this map better please email www.surfinginjapan.com team at admin@surfinginjapan.com we are always happy to receive new data.
Photos (photos from around this area)
If you have photos that you would like us to show on www.surfinginjapan.com
please email them direct to admin@surfinginjapan.com we are always excited to see other peoples magic days in the lineup
Leave a comment above or email us at admin@surfinginjapan.com, we at www.surfinginjapan.com will be happy to help
If you would like to see us cover a particular break we have not yet covered please let us know.
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All text and images within www.surfinginjapan.com are the sole property of Surfinginjapan and all rights are reserved. Unauthorized usage of any of the material is not allowed.
Surfing In Japan was established in 1996 and is based in Tokyo Japan.
You can find us on the internet in local magazines and at the beach, just look for the Surfing in Japan logo and or Totally Stoked Gajin
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See you inside !