Below is our archive of daily wave report photos from NOVEMBER 2013 CLICK HERE
Friday 27th December 2013- Well we are starting today in a different way , the cloud is finally back and also a light amount of rain, it's cold as well so if your heading out wrap up really warm folks. Today is also the last day of work for most people before the rush outta Tokyo starts so look for the roads out of Tokyo tomorrow to be really busy. Today though we have some super fun conditions out in Chiba waves in the 2-4ft face size and up north there are a few more bigger sets coming in. The Pacific ocean is alive right now with multiple storm fronts converging and swells coming in from all angles great for the beach breaks. There looks to be a really good storm building that will hit Japan around 2nd/3rd January which is when we will next be out and about , tomorrow we head for the mountains for some winter fun on the slopes. Enjoy thanks. Check out lots of great pictures from our recent weekend chasing EPIC WINTER STORM 2013 - Click Here.
Thursday 26th December 2013- Morning folks, we hope you had a great Christmas day and are now nursing a hangover or getting pumping waves. We are hanging out with our family's today and are off to the snow for the new year but will be back in the water on the 3rd ready for a new big storm to come outta China. Christmas day was clean and fun in many breaks but today the swell is super small and broken, we have a low developing just out from Ibaraki which is going to send mixed swells meaning a messy ocean for the next few days. Expect roads to be busy but for Tokyo to be quiet over the next few days as many folks head home to spend the new year with family. We will try and upload some more pics to Facebook from last week to show you how good it really was. Enjoy thanks. Check out lots of great pictures from our recent weekend chasing EPIC WINTER STORM 2013 - Click Here.
Tuesday 24th December 2013- Well we still had some perfect lines rolling into the coast line of Chiba today and some good friends were out catching some of he action on their water cameras, size was in the shoulder range but super clean with nice off-shore winds as well. It was very cold though and most were in the 5/3mm rubber today. Any way the big news tomorrow is that it is Christmas day and its time to be with Family, we will try to get a report done but if we do not Merry Christmas to one and all, thanks for following us this year. We we see you on Boxing day a little worse for ware im sure. Enjoy thanks. Check out lots of great pictures from our recent weekend chasing EPIC WINTER STORM 2013 - Click Here.
Monday 23rd December 2013- 3 day weekend is almost a wrap folks, for those who follow us on Facebook you will already know we just had 4 days of the best winter swell in years. Everyday different but everyday world class, The 2 best days by far were Saturday and Sunday both perfect blue sky with light off-shore and swell ranging from head high to double over head and even some sets pushing 3x on some of the secret reef breaks deep in Chiba. SIJ crew split up and surf many different locations and scored some insane waves as well as one member grabbing some top pictures which will be added to Facebook over the coming days.Next few days is looking rather mellow compared to this but next weekend looks to be similar to what we just have , the winter storms are here folks , bring it on!
Friday 20th December 2013- Well folks it's been game on since yesterday when we had the storm swell hit us from this giant low in the Pacific ocean most breaks along the Chiba coast line shut down but the spots that work well when the big stuff comes just turned on these are very local points and out of respect for the local no names will be given . But the good news is the weather now should start to clear up after the rain and cloud of yesterday and the swell to back of just enough for most breaks to start working really really well. On top of this it looks like it will hang around for a while meaning great surf right through the weekend and into next week. Water south Chiba is still not so cold but air temps are so wrap up real warm folks and take you jugs of hot water to wash down with. Christmas is just around the corner as well and we are wrapping up the year. What will 2014 bring ??? lets get Shacked in 2013 first and talk about 2014 there after. Get out there folks.
Thursday 19th December 2013- Morning to one and all and wow it's cold and wet first day for months like this , shock to the system really. But the good news is that we have huge swell pouring in to the Chiba breaks and the wind's are playing nice. 6ft plus everywhere with 14second+ period as well meaning mellow pumping conditions. The swell is NE so those reefs that work well in this will be on Fire! Top Chiba is going to be a lot of paddling , middle chiba looking big but surfable and then bottom half looks Epic Kamogawa and Hebera both have Top notch conditions. The only thing you need to do is wrap up really really warm as its cold outside. Get out there and enjoy it if you can.Lastly we want to say A huge Congratulations goes out to Mick Fanning our 2013 World Champion and also Kelly Slater our 2013 Pipeline Master Winner. An Amazing Year for the tour may next year be as good if not better!! Click Here.
Wednesday 18th December 2013- Right folks GAME ON! we have the first push of that long period NE swell arriving early on this morning and the webcams are showing some serious conditions out there. Ibaraki is solid 6ft+ then as we turn the hook into Chiba Ioka on fire and all the way down to Katsura where we get to Hebera which is working like a dream, long slow moving waves rolling in and breaking left and right across the reef with some rides over 60m plus long. Things should stay calm till this afternoon when the wind is due to arrive as well , it will then be a full on storm until Friday again where we think the winds will change again to offshore and we will be left with EPIC conditions. Tokyo is due it's first snow of the seaon tonight and tomorrow so wrap up really really warm folks its going to be cold. But Stoked we have Surf!! Lastly we want to say A huge Congratulations goes out to Mick Fanning our 2013 World Champion and also Kelly Slater our 2013 Pipeline Master Winner. An Amazing Year for the tour may next year be as good if not better!! Click Here.
Tuesday 17th December 2013- Lull before the storm then folks, we have what can only be described as a Pacific Ocean Monster developing over the top of Hokkaido right now. The past few days it has been dumping very very large amounts of snow on the Japan sea side and Hokkaido over 2m now in places. This storm will now move into the north Pacific and grow so big that by Thursday it will cover about 1/3rd of the Pacific ocean, Hawaii will get waves in the 25ft range and Japan will get 10ft plus but with a 13-15 second period! Now that is pumping! For many it will be the sign that the winter swells are here and i know a few crews up and down the coast are frothing to get into some solid stuff for sure. Any way going to be cold and chilly with deteriorating weather today so wrap up warm and enjoy. Lastly we want to say A huge Congratulations goes out to Mick Fanning our 2013 World Champion and also Kelly Slater our 2013 Pipeline Master Winner. An Amazing Year for the tour may next year be as good if not better!! Click Here.
Monday 16th December 2013- Great weekend folks with some fun waves out there in the waist high size within the Katsura National Park area, moving on to today though and things are looking really really small at all breaks from North to South and it was bitterly cold over night. Many places along the Nihon Kai (Japan Sea) got huge amounts of snow , which will make them very very happy as the resorts are all now open and expecting a busy season for sure. Later on in the week it looks like we will have some quality surf come in but more on that tomorrow, lastly we want to say A huge Congratulations goes out to Mick Fanning our 2013 World Champion and also Kelly Slater our 2013 Pipeline Master Winner. An Amazing Year for the tour may next year be as good if not better!! Click Here.
Thursday 13th December 2013- Well we are back in the driving seat over here again folks after a few days up in the snow with team Rossignol Japan there were some good waves though we heard from some of the SIJ crew based out in Chiba. Today though things look to be calming down again somewhat with the swell switching to a more westerly direction and the winds turning to a perfect off shore throughout the Chiba area.The swell will drop but it should remain pulsey with the odd place getting some nice sets rolling through. It will be cold though so wrap up warm. Pipeline on hold waiting for the new swell but main question everyone is asking is WHO will be the next world Champion? Live -Click Here.
Tuesday 10th December 2013- So the weather has switched on us folks and today we are waking up with some cloud and also some wind , the swell size has picked up some what though which is nice to see but its really all only wind swell so not to clean. But this is the start of better things to come though which is good to see. The pic of the spots today by far is Ibaraki as some places have a small amount of off shore wind blowing which is creating some clean fun conditions. things from here on out for the next tens days look pretty good surf wise just you are going to have to be mobile and hit the spots when the turn on , the Pacific Ocean has a good habit of waking up again mid December after it's sleep through November and we start to get these great storms that push NE swell our way day after day. Yesterday Pipeline in perfect conditions was a must watch , but main question everyone is asking is WHO will be the next world Champion? Live -Click Here.
Monday 9th December 2013- Very quiet weekend wave wise folks so the SIJ crew did a fishing session and a few Sup training sessions as well to keep the fitness levels high ready for the winter swells. Today we have very similar conditions and things are still small out there but, we do have some solid swell on the long distance forecast that should be with us sooner than later. This time of year we have a lot of classic NE swells come in which turns on some of the Chiba spots to perfection especially the reef breaks. Good news from the mountains as well, there was a good bit of snow falling most of the weekend which has topped the slopes up enough to set up the Christmas vacation to perfection. Also don't forget Pipeline has started today in perfect conditions which is a must watch , main question everyone is asking is WHO will be the next world Champion? Live -Click Here.
Friday 6th December 2013- So folks this morning we had a stunner of a pick and blue sunrise out there around 6.00am the winter Sun ups really are worth waking up for. We have a small change on the Chiba coast today and Kanagawa etc some South wind is making a bit of a mess but the good thing with this is that its cleaned up Ibaraki to perfection and we have some perfect head high sets rolling into many breaks up there. The water is cold though and some surfers are already in 5/3mm suits and boots. Later on today /tonight we should see the wind switch round again and start blowing from the W-N/W direction which again is perfect off shore everywhere. The swell should stay the same , small but with those great sand bars if you know where to look you may score a good session over the weekend on the right tide. Have fun though whatever you get up too though. Pipeline is just around the corner , who will be the next world Champion?
Thursday 5th December 2013- Amazing day out here again folks we have some great little lines running into the breaks up North yet again and Ibaraki has some solid swell hitting it. So if you are out hunting head North is the call of the morning. The sand bars are groomed to almost perfection which means you just have to be out and about on the right part of the tide to score some sick little walls, As we move into the winter season of surf here as well things get better people wise as well as many head for the mountains. Okinawa still looking good with only a spring suit needed on most days. This weekend is looking a bit small folks but everyday thus far we have been surprised so dont be surprised if you wake up with a few nice little rollers coming in if your at the right break. Squid fishing season also about to kick in so if you love fishing get out there. Have a great day what ever you get up too.
Wednesday 4th December 2013- Slightly more cloud around today folks as we move into the mid part of the week its also stone cold early on this coupled with the lack of swell at most points is meaning there are not to many early surfers out and in the water. However there is still good news and that is that the breaks up in North Chiba , Ioka Nottahama etc all have some clean waves in the knee to waist height range , even Ibaraki has some clean peelers. Chiba is into its last part of the Autumn Colour season so get out there this week if you still want to get some pictures. Snow up in the mountains is disappearing fast so fingers are crossed there for one more large dump before the weekend rush starts. Christmas just around the corner its going to be non-stop till then have fun whatever you get up too. Pipeline Masters is due to start on the 8th of December so keep your eyes on the internet for that action.
Tuesday 3rd December 2013- Here we go then folks we are now looking at a solid few days of the Flat's here in Japan very little happening out there today tomorrow or the next day. Everywhere is going to be looking more like a pool then an ocean. But that does not mean there will be a few things you can get up too. Example SUPing out in Chiba, Sea Kayaking down in IZU , Diving almost anywhere in Japan, Fishing galore the list goes on and on and my favorite this time of year has to be the whale watching tours of the coast of Chiba. Also you could head to the mountains as many of the resorts are opening up now and there is endless amounts of fun to be had up there as we all know. Or just put your head down and arse up and work hard so your ready to take a day of next time a good solid swell rolls into town. Have a great day whatever you get up too.
2nd December 2013- Well last month of the year here folks and up north it's started off to perfection. Ioka and Ibaraki were both on fire yesterday and then this morning we are looking at the same again nice solid swell with a good 11 second period and little to no wind , but when it does blow it's off-shore. So perfect perfect perfect, It is cold in the morning though and a lot of folks have started to wear the boots again early on and a few were out with hoodies as well. Down south things are a lot smaller and Kanagwa things are basically flat. We are also looking like we are heading into a week of solid flats so if you are trying to score a wave or 2 get out there today because it wont be until next weekend that we find some more quality waves. Weather wise things are great clear sky's again and the highs are going to get up in the high teen's. Enjoy The Triple Crown Series in Hawaii this week check out all the LIVE action right here.