Central Chiba Information
Heading South from Taito, the Chiba coast line starts changing from flat farming land to a rugged mountainous landscape falling into the sea.
Follow route 128 south, the road swings inland however there are feeder roads out to the beach all along it. The first 8km is still relatively flat with the ever present tetrapods at regular intervals. A major feature of the coast here is the Izumi River, it often has quality sand bars creating good punchy waves. (no claims made as to water quality but good ear plugs and a shower after surfing is recommended) There is a large carpark on the south side of the river mouth and competitions are often held here ( ....maybe the water quality is not so bad...)
Cape Hachiman is the most eastern point of central Chiba and while the main 128 route winds through the mountains small roads funnel towards the numerous small coastal villages. With an adventurous attitude and a map, there are walking trails down to the beaches - explore and find your own peak and private beach.
Parking is always going to be the issue but look for road-side pullovers, with walking trails leading towards the coast. The car will be safe but, as always take valuables with you,
With perseverance and a light easterly swell of 1-1.5m and westerly winds the pot of gold is within reach. Check out the short story `Hidden Beach` and if you’re lucky you might add a naked nymph to an uncrowded wave.
Water temperatures change significantly due to a major southern current (few degrees warmer) that meets the northern current around the Cape Hachiman.
Winter is still cold but gloves are an option not a necessity and hoods a rarity. Summer is hot, take a hat, sunscreen and a thermos of cold beverage.
South of the Cape the quality of the water is better and its common to get beautiful clear water days.
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Surfing In Japan was established in 1996 and is based in Tokyo Japan.
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