Below is our archive of daily wave report photos from OCTOBER 2010.
October 2010 turned out to be a long overdue month of great swell, one of the best of 2010 in Chiba and Ibaraki with consistent surf hitting the Japan coast line. Summer lasted longer than anyone thought it would and cut into the usual Autumn, however no one was complaining as the surf was pretty constant and some beautiful classic clean autumn days were scored. Various reefs were breakng and most of the beach breaks had their day, sometimes with epic conditions for extended periods.
The SIJ team were out and about causing havoc and chasing waves from Fukushima to the bottom of Izu all October. Of the 5 weekends in the month only one was small and that was a perfect longboarding day.
Best memories of the month:
1. An amazing session at a river mouth in Fukushima famous for sharks and power stations surfing till dark with only 5 in the water, and perfect head high walls left and right.
2. A great morning surfing big a frames in kita Ibaraki and an afternoon in central Ibaraki at Kujigawa surfing super solid chocolate waves in the double overhead range, the beach was on fire, great waves and good Ole thrashings on the inside.
3. An insane 2 days out in Chiba surfing a secret spot with the team and then 2 epic sessions at Maruki in Kamogawa with the perfect swell and wind conditions, 4-6 ft and cranking, with one of the crew having the body surf session of his life.
4. An Akabama session with only 2 surfers on the section and massive 6-8ft Pacific A-frames coming through and the team riders just having fun.
5. Typhoon Chaba weekend - Everyone expected Epic swells from the South but nothing showed instead a Low to the North drove NE swells and howling winds - only two places from Fukushima to Chiba worked on Saturday and a couple of the crew scored 6 hours in the water in solid 6 ft (double overhead) conditions at Kamogawa up and down the beach and sometimes on the reef - perfection!! 5 star day ***** Followed by a similar day on the Sunday.
Stand out Waves: Hard to choose: A double overhead 10ft face chocolate monster at Kujigawa with a solid cheer from the crowd; A 10ft Akabama A-frame pit during an amazign soul session with only 2 in the water; Multiple 150m+ walls at 5-6ft on the last weekend of the month; A 100m 3 ft perfect wave shared by mates body surfing and board surfing. And many many more not seen but surely enjoyed !!!!!
----------------- Bring it on November - top that ----------------
Question: Why did the South swell from Typhoon Chabal not show up in Shonan and the bottom of Chiba?
Answer: It did show on all exposed beaches, southern Japan got it good and the reefs of Wakayama got bombed with huge swells. The problem with Heisaura and Shonan was that they were blocked by IZU and the Ogasawara islands as swell from Chaba was too West to get into those locations.
October 31st 2010
October 30th 2010
October 29th 2010
October 28th 2010
October 27th 2010
October 26th 2010
October 25th 2010
October 23/24th 2010
October 22nd 2010
October 21st 2010
October 20th 2010
October 19th 2010
October 18th 2010
October 17th 2010
October 16th 2010
October 15th 2010
October 14th 2010
October 13th 2010
October 12th 2010
October 11th 2010
October 10th 2010
October 9th 2010
October 8th 2010
October 7th 2010
October 6th 2010
October 5th 2010
October 4th 2010
October 3rd 2010
October 2nd 2010
October 1st 2010