APRIL 2011
Below is our archive of daily wave report photos from April 2011. March 2011 Click Here
Summary of the month : First real surfing month of the Year for most of Team SIJ surf riders due to the Great Northern Earth Quake in March. We saw one weekend out in Hebara followed by an outstanding sat/Sunday down in Chikura with Epic Conditions a day we will always remember as being a good one.
The water felt warmer than normal for this time of the year but maybe it was because we were surfing the bottom of Chiba so much unlike previous years where we had surfed Ibaraki a lot .
Best memories of the month: Yet to be decided.
1. Outstanding Chikura session with solid 4 -6ft swell and perfect blue sky and light off shore winds
2. Getting back in the water after such a long time out. Starting the hunt for the new SIJ head Quarters
3. Some great surf at both Heisaura and Maruki reef on a day of hunting the best conditions.
Biggest Wave Ridden: 8ft monster drop into a right hand stand up barrel with everyone paddling back out to the line up. Stoked