MAY 2011
Below is our archive of daily wave report photos from May 2011. April 2011 Click Here
Summary of the month : May saw Golden week for team SIJ which packed the camp gear and headed to Chikura Beach for 5 days of sun and surf, we got 2 days of great fun head high waves before the swell dissipated. Fantastic session at Chikura BEach when a low pressure system moved up from the south for the weekend, 6-8ft faces on some of the waves with some really nice lines being laid down by the SIJ team riders. We had Typhoon No.2 "Sondga" roll up the coast from the south bring a lot of rain with it and some great swell for around 4 days straight, Monday 30th May 2011, Inamura had some classsic Bali Style Conditions with double overhead left hand barrl waves up for grabs. If only it was like this everyday.
Best memories of the month: Yet to be decided.
1. Chikura Beach May 8th going hard in solid conditions with our best mate Abdel!
2. One more session at Chikura beach in 6ft faces tearing some nice rights and lefts
3. Typhoon number 1 of the season came up the coast although it did not amount to much in the end but none the less we are still under way.
4. Typhoon No.2 came up the coast we had a sick session out at Inamura with double overhead conditions and barrrel rides!!
Biggest Wave Ridden: 8ft Face hollow left hander ,150m across the Inamura Reef, with at least 4 big turns thrown in !!